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T Note You may need to resize a panel to see all of its controls. As you gain experience, you might want to create and save the layout of your panels as a customized workspace. Type a name, and click OK. Now, to return to a recognizable starting point, choose the preset Editing workspace, and reset it. Premiere Pro has several types of settings. This is the area of a panel you use to move the panel, almost like a handle you can grab the panel by.
Note When panels and panel groups were first introduced in Premiere Pro, the names of panes were incorporated into a tabbed design. Over time, the interface has been restyled and cleaned up, which led to the removal of the tabs themselves—but the name remained.
Preferences will be covered in depth as they relate to the individual lessons in this book. Drag the Brightness slider to the right to suit your preference. The default brightness is a dark gray to help you see colors correctly human perception of color is influenced by surrounding colors. There are additional options for controlling the brightness of interface highlights. Experiment with the Interactive Controls and Focus Indicators brightness sliders.
Set all three settings to Default by clicking the Default buttons when you have finished. Switch to the Auto Save preferences by clicking the preference name on the left. Imagine if you had worked for hours and then there was a power outage. With these options, you can decide how often you would like Premiere Pro to save an automated backup of your project file and how many versions you would like to keep in total. Auto save backups have the date and time they were created added to the filename.
This option creates an additional backup of your project file in your Creative Cloud Files folder. If you suffer a total system failure while working, you can log in to any Premiere Pro editing system with your Adobe ID to access the backup project file and quickly carry on working.
If you have a sudden system failure like a power outage , this is the file you will most likely want to open to continue working. Note Premiere Pro allows you to open multiple projects at the same time. Click Cancel to close the Preferences dialog box without applying any changes.
These are usually faster and easier than clicking. Many keyboard shortcuts are shared universally by nonlinear editing systems. The spacebar, for example, starts and stops playback—this even works on some websites. The I and O keys, for example, are used to set In and Out marks on footage and sequences. These special marks indicate the start and end of a desired section and were originally drawn on celluloid directly.
Other keyboard shortcuts are available but not configured by default. This allows flexibility when setting up your editing system. It can be a little daunting to see the number of keyboard shortcuts available, but by the end of this book you will recognize most of the options displayed here.
Some keyboard shortcuts are specific to individual panels. You can view them by opening the Commands menu and examining the list of items. These make it easier to remember commonly used shortcuts. The keyboard shortcut display updates to show the results of combining the modifier key with the character keys.
Notice there are many keys without shortcuts assigned when you use a modifier key. These are available for you to assign your own shortcuts. You can set keyboard shortcuts with any combination of modifier keys. If you press a character key, or character and modifier key combination, that particular shortcut information is displayed. Having found an option you would like to assign to a key, drag it from the list onto the key you would like to use in the upper part of the dialog box. To remove a shortcut, click the key, and choose Clear at the bottom right.
For now, click Cancel. For example, you might prefer the interface to be brighter than the default. Premiere Pro includes the option to share your user preferences between multiple computers: When installing Premiere Pro, you will enter your Adobe ID to confirm your software license. You can use the same ID to store your user preferences in Creative Cloud, allowing you to synchronize and update them from any installation of Premiere Pro.
You can sync your preferences while on the Home screen by choosing Sync Settings. If a dialog box appears asking if you would like to save changes you have made, click No. Why is Premiere Pro considered a nonlinear editor? What is the Media Browser used for?
Can you save a customized workspace? What is the purpose of the Source Monitor and the Program Monitor? How can you drag a panel to its own floating panel? The Media Browser allows you to browse and import media files without having to open an external file browser. You can view and trim your original footage in the Source Monitor and use the Program Monitor to view the contents of the current timeline sequence as you build it.
You will not need any of the downloadable lesson files. Before you begin editing, you need to create a new project and choose some settings for your first sequence. To help you plan and manage your projects, this lesson contains information about formats and video technology. You may decide to revisit this lesson later, as your familiarity with Premiere Pro and nonlinear video editing develops. Each item is displayed in the Project panel as a clip. The name clip originally described sections of celluloid film lengths of film were literally clipped to separate them from a roll , but these days the term refers to any item in the project, regardless of the type of media.
You could have an audio clip or an image sequence clip, for example. Clips displayed in the Project panel appear to be media files, but they are actually only links to those files. You can delete one without affecting the other more on this later. When working on a project, you will create at least one sequence—that is, a series of clips that play, one after another, sometimes overlapping, with special effects, titles, and sound, to form your completed creative work.
The beauty of nonlinear editing with Premiere Pro is that you can change your mind about almost anything, at any time. Premiere Pro project files have the file extension.
Starting a new project is simple. You create a new project file, import media, choose a sequence preset, and start editing. To speed things up, you can use a sequence preset to choose the settings and then make adjustments if necessary. You need to know the kind of video and audio your camera records because your sequence settings will usually be based on your original source footage to minimize conversion during playback.
In fact, most Premiere Pro sequence presets are named after cameras to make it easier to choose the correct option. Launch Premiere Pro. You should see Lesson Notice that you can thin out the list of recent project files by typing some text into the Filter text box—only project files whose file names contain the text will be displayed.
There are a couple of other items in this window: 1. Magnifying glass icon: Click the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the Home screen to open a multipurpose Search screen.
User icon: Next to the magnifying glass is a thumbnail of your Adobe ID profile picture. If you have just signed up, this may be a generic thumbnail. Click the IL icon to manage your account online. Click New Project to open the New Project dialog box. Below the new project name and location fields, this dialog box has three tabs: General, Scratch Disks, and Ingest Settings.
Click in the Name box, and name your new project First Project. Click Choose to establish this new folder as the location for the new project. Note When choosing a location for your project file, you may want to choose a recently used location from the Location menu. If your project is set up correctly, the General section in the New Project window should look similar to the screen shown here.
Some special effects can be played immediately, combining your original video with the effect and displaying the results as soon as you click Play. That is, Premiere Pro will attempt to display your video clips, combined with the special effects, but it will not show every single frame each second.
Premiere Pro displays colored lines along the top of the Timeline panel, where you build sequences, to tell you when extra work is required to play back your video. No line or a yellow line means Premiere Pro expects to be able to play without dropping frames. If frames are being dropped, there is a simple solution: preview rendering. What do rendering and real time mean? Imagine you have a piece of video that is too dark.
When your edited sequence plays, sections that are rendered display the newly rendered video file instead of the original clip or clips. The process is invisible and seamless. In this example, the rendered file looks like the original video file but brighter. When the part of your sequence with the brightened clip is finished, your system invisibly and seamlessly switches back from playing the preview file to playing your other original video files.
The downside of rendering is that it takes up extra space for media storage, and it takes time. The upside with rendering is that you can be confident your system will be able to play the results of your effect at full quality, with all the frames per second.
More effects are more work to play back, for example. When you render, Premiere Pro creates new media files that look like the results of your effects work and then plays back those files in place of the original footage.
The rendered preview is a regular video file, so playback is at high quality and full frame rate, without your computer having to do any extra work.
You render effects in a sequence by choosing a render command from the Sequence enu. Back in the New Project dialog box, under Video Rendering And Playback, if the Renderer menu is available, it means you have graphics hardware in your computer that meets the minimum requirements for GPU acceleration and it is installed correctly. Many menu items display a keyboard shortcut on the right. Performance can vary and some graphics hardware configurations allow multiple types of acceleration, so you may need to experiment to find the best option for your system.
Some advanced GPU configurations also allow you to choose a persistent Preview Cache to improve playback. Mercury Playback Engine Software Only: This mode will still give excellent performance that uses all of the available power in your computer. You will almost certainly want to choose GPU acceleration and benefit from the additional performance if you can. However, if you experience performance or stability issues using GPU acceleration, choose the Software Only option in this menu.
Playback performance: Premiere Pro plays back video files with great efficiency, even when working with the types of video that are difficult to play back, such as H. The results are even better performance and responsiveness when working with sequences, and many special effects will play in real time, without dropping frames.
Setting the video and audio display formats The next two areas of the General tab in the New Project dialog box allow you to choose how Premiere Pro should measure time for your video and audio clips.
The correct choice for a given project largely depends on whether you are working with video or celluloid film as your source material. The choices are as follows: Timecode: This is the default option. Timecode is a universal system for counting hours, minutes, seconds, and individual frames of video. The same system is used by cameras, professional video recorders, and nonlinear editing systems all around the world.
Rather than measuring time as seconds and frames, this system counts the number of feet plus the number of frames since the last foot. Frames: This option simply counts the number of frames of video. For this exercise, leave Video Display Format set to Timecode. The Audio Display Format menu For audio files, time can be displayed as samples or milliseconds.
Audio Samples: When digital audio is recorded, sound level samples are taken technically, air pressure level , as captured by the microphone, thousands of times T a second. In the case of most professional video cameras, this happens 48, times per second. When playing clips and sequences, Premiere Pro gives you the choice of displaying time as hours, minutes, seconds, and frames, or as hours, minutes, seconds, and samples.
Milliseconds: With this mode chosen, Premiere Pro can display time in your sequences as hours, minutes, seconds, and thousandths of a second. By default, Premiere Pro lets you zoom the Timeline enough to view individual sequence clip segment frames. However, you can easily switch to showing the audio display format instead. This powerful feature lets you make the tiniest adjustments to your audio.
About seconds and frames When a camera records video, it captures a series of still images of the action.
If there are enough images captured each second, it looks like moving video when played back. Each picture is called a frame, and the number of frames each second is usually called frames per second fps or the recording or playback frame rate.
It could be any number, including Most cameras allow you to choose between more than one frame rate and more than one frame size. However, there may be times you need to capture from videotape. The Capture Format menu under Capture in the New Project dialog box tells Premiere Pro what videotape format you are using when capturing video to your storage drive.
Note The Mercury Playback Engine can share performance with video input and output hardware for playback, thanks to a feature called Adobe Mercury Transmit.
If you have additional hardware, you should follow the directions provided by the manufacturer to install it. The software installer will usually discover Premiere Pro on your computer, automatically adding extra options to this menu and to others. Ignore this setting for now because you will not be capturing from a tape deck in this exercise, and you can always change the setting as needed later.
If this option is not selected, only the copy you select will be changed. Both options can be useful, depending on your chosen workflow for a particular project. Leave this deselected for now, and click the Scratch Disks area to view the options.
Setting up the scratch disks Existing media files are imported from wherever they are currently stored. However, whenever Premiere Pro captures records video from tape, renders special effects, saves backup copies of the project file, downloads content from Adobe Stock, or imports animated motion graphics templates, new files are created on your hard drive.
The various scratch disks are the locations these files are stored. Though they are described, here, as disks, they are actually folders. Some of the files that are stored will be temporary, while some will be new media created in Premiere Pro or imported.
Scratch disks can be stored on physically separate disks, as the name suggests, or any subfolder on your storage. Scratch disks can be located all in the same place or in separate locations, depending on your hardware and workflow requirements. This might include storing different kinds of media files in different locations. The choices are as follows: Documents to store the scratch disk in the Documents folder in your system user account.
Below each Scratch Disk location menu, a file path shows the current setting and the disk space available at that location. However, the speed of your scratch disks can have a big impact on both playback and rendering performance, so choose fast storage if possible.
Using a project-based setup By default, Premiere Pro keeps newly created media together with the associated project file this is the Same As Project option. Keeping everything together this way makes finding relevant files simple.
It also makes it easier to stay organized if you move media files into the same folder before you import them into the project. Others choose to store their capture folders and preview folders in a different location from their project. This is slower and more complex when your media files are distributed across multiple storage locations.
Some storage systems use local computer networks to share storage between multiple systems. If this is the case for you, check with your system administrators to make sure you have the right settings and check performance. Setting up a Project Auto Save location In addition to choosing where new media files are created, you can set the location to store automatically saved project files.
These are additional backup copies of your project file that are created automatically while you work. Storage drives occasionally fail, and you may lose files stored on them without warning.
In addition to storing automatically saved project files in the location you choose, Premiere Pro can store a backup of your most recent project file in your Creative Cloud Files folder. This folder is created automatically when you install Adobe Creative Cloud. It allows you to access files in any location where Creative Cloud is installed and you are logged in. Collaborators on a project can use the Creative Cloud Files folder to store and share standard assets like logos or graphic elements.
Use the Libraries panel in Premiere Pro to access these files. When you add items to the current project in this way, Premiere Pro will create a copy of them in the scratch disk location you choose here. When you import a motion graphics template into the current project, a copy will be stored in the location you choose.
For this project, leave all your scratch disks set to the default option: Same As Project. Choosing ingest settings Professional editors describe adding media to a project as importing or ingesting.
The two words are often used interchangeably but actually have different meanings. When you import a media file into a Premiere Pro project, a clip is created that is linked to the original file. In the Ingest Settings area, you can enable the Ingest option, and choose what to do with media files before they are imported.
Note There are several ways to import clips into a project. Once ingest options are enabled, they are applied regardless of the import method you use. Copy them to a new storage location—useful if you want to be sure all your media is in one folder. Now that you have checked that the settings are correct for this project, click OK to finish creating it. Sequences have settings, just like media files, that specify things like the frame rate and image size.
This is called conforming. Each sequence in your project can have different settings. If the first clip you add to a sequence does not match the settings of your sequence, Premiere Pro checks if you would like to change the sequence settings automatically to fit. Premiere Pro can create a sequence based on your clip. To automatically create a sequence that matches your media, drag any clip or multiple clips in the Project panel onto the New Item menu.
A new sequence will be created with the same name as the clip and a matching frame size and frame rate. Using this method, you can be confident your sequence settings will work with your media. If the Timeline panel is empty, you can also drag a clip or multiple clips into it to create a sequence with matching settings. Choosing the correct preset If you do know the settings you need, you can configure the sequence settings exactly.
The Sequence Presets tab makes setting up a new sequence easier. When you choose a preset, Premiere Pro applies settings for the new sequence that closely match a particular video and audio format. After choosing a preset, you can adjust these settings on the Settings tab if necessary.
These settings are organized based on camera formats with specific settings inside a folder named after the recording format. You can click the disclosure triangle to see specific formats in a group.
These are typically designed around frame rates and frame sizes. Click the disclosure triangle next to the group Digital SLR. You can now see three subfolders, based on frame sizes. Remember that video cameras can often shoot video using different frame sizes, as well as different frame rates and codecs. Click the disclosure triangle next to the p subgroup. Choose the DSLR p30 preset by clicking its name.
For this sequence, use the default settings. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the description. Click in the Sequence Name box, and name your sequence First Sequence. Click OK to create the sequence. You have made a new project and sequence with Premiere Pro. Formats and codecs Video and audio files have a particular format, that is, a frame rate, frame size, audio sample rate, and so on. Codec is a shortening of the words coder and decoder.
The media file is referred to as the wrapper, and the video and audio inside the file are sometimes referred to as the essence. Premiere Pro can work natively with a wide range of video and audio formats and codecs and will often play back mismatched formats smoothly.
The essential factors are always the same: the number of frames per second, the frame size the number of pixels in the picture horizontally and vertically , and the audio format. If you were to turn your sequence into a media file without applying a conversion, then the frame rate, audio format, frame size, and so on, would all match the settings you chose when creating the sequence. Choose the DSLR p30 preset again by clicking its name.
The detailed settings are accessible by clicking the Settings tab in the New Sequence dialog box. Remember, Premiere Pro will automatically conform footage you add to your timeline so that it matches your sequence settings, giving you a standard frame rate and frame size, regardless of the original clip format.
Tip For now, leave the settings as they are, but review the way the preset is going to configure the new sequence. Look at each setting from top to bottom to build familiarity with the choices required to configure a sequence.
If you are not intending to broadcast your video this way but instead intend to distribute your creative work online, you may as well change this to 30 fps to accurately measure playback duration. To do so, first choose a sequence preset that matches your media closely and then make custom selections in the Settings and Tracks areas of the New Sequence dialog box. Having adjusted the settings, you can save your custom preset for future use by clicking the Save Preset button near the bottom of the Settings section.
If you save a preset, you can give your customized project settings preset a name in the Save Settings dialog box, add notes if you want, and click OK. The preset will appear in a Custom folder under Sequence Presets. For complete flexibility, change the Editing Mode menu to Custom. Without this option, you might see minor artifacts or noise in the picture when making images smaller. Without GPU acceleration, this option will impact playback performance and file export times.
Both of these options can be turned off or on at any time, so you can edit without them to maximize performance and then turn them on when you output your finished work. Tracks are horizontal areas in the Timeline panel that hold clips in a particular position in time. If you have more than one video track, any video clips placed on an upper track will appear in front of clips on a lower track. The Tracks tab in the New Sequence dialog box allows you to preselect the track types for the new sequence.
This is perhaps most useful when creating a sequence preset with names already assigned to audio tracks. All audio tracks are played at the same time, creating a complete audio mix. To create a mix, simply position your audio clips on different tracks, lined up in time. Narration, sound bites, sound effects, and music can be organized by putting them on different tracks. You can also rename tracks, making it easier to find your way around more complex sequences.
Premiere Pro lets you specify how many video and audio tracks will be included when the sequence is created. For now, choose Stereo. An audio track can be one of several types. Each track type is designed for specific types f audio. When you choose a particular track type, Premiere Pro gives you the right controls to make adjustments to the sound, based on the number of audio channels in the track.
For example, stereo clips need different controls than 5. The types of audio tracks are as follows: Standard: These tracks are for both mono and stereo audio clips. Adaptive: Adaptive tracks are for mono, stereo, or multichannel audio and give you precise control over the output routing for each audio channel. For example, you could decide the track audio channel 3 should be output to your mix in channel 5.
This workflow is used for multilingual broadcast TV, where precise control of audio channels is used at transmission. Mono: This track type will accept only mono audio clips. When you add a clip to a sequence that has both video and audio, Premiere Pro makes sure the audio channels go to the right kind of track. L E o R video Premiere Pro offers exceptional support for video and video. Both are often described as VR video, or immersive video, where multiple cameras, or a very wide lens, are used to capture a video image that can be viewed with a VR headset to create an immersive experience.
On the VR Video tab in the New Sequence dialog box, you can specify the angle of view captured so Premiere Pro can accurately display the image.
VR video is beyond the scope of this book, but it is well worth exploring when you have mastered the basics of video editing.
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